
Prince Charming

Reading that romantic entry reminded me of when I was getting to know Dave. You know he's super wonderful and I do, too, now. At that time I was weathered and hardened from dating (bleah) and had pretty much decided I was through with men (age--about 26). He had such a calm and even way that I was really intrigued--I actually pursued him :)

Probably during the first month that I knew him, we went up to Aspen (lived in Colorado then) to drive around and see the mountains. This part was very Joeish, Dave wanted to use my old station wagon to drive on some 4-wheel drive roads. Well, we had fun and the car survived that but it got rear-ended out on the highway. This is making a short story long--but I was broke and there was a nice repair guy who was trying to find a used tailgate for my station wagon. During this time, about three weeks, I rode my bike to work (picture that!). Colorado is wonderful weatherwise for bike-riding. We lived in Golden and I rode over to the Denver Federal Center--not too far. This is where I get to the point of this story--whenever Dave would get off work early enough, he would intercept me on my ride home, throw the bike in his truck and rescue me (not in that order). It was so new to me--this consideration, thoughtfulness--and, dang, kindness. It honestly took me quite awhile to believe he was real. And we lived happily ever after.

1 comment:

JoeyJoJoJo said...

This story is so wonderfully touching, he's still the same sweet gentleman. I don't think I've heard many stories about your time in Golden together, thanks momma. Love you!