
Fever Pace

Work is becoming increasingly crazy with each day as we approach finals week (next week). This is the time when, almost without fail, our copy machine decides to crap out. And that's what happened today, although it is still copying. It just won't staple things until a new part arrives. Now that only means that we have to staple all the final exams MANUALLY, but because I am so very seasoned, I recall when we not only had to staple manually, we also had to collate everything one dang sheet at a time. It's a leap backwards to a slower-paced world. Believe me, I appreciate the superior machines and all the work that they save me, but . . .

It reminds me a little of when the power goes out and everyone sits around the candles for a bit waiting for the power to return. Then the conversations start, and then things get creative and about the time you begin roasting marshmallows over the candles, the lights come on. It's a little disappointing, truly.

I don't expect to get all "into" stapling, but there's probably a mantra for stapling, donchathink?


Lame Ramblings

Yes, this is going to be lame. I am tired and feeling rather boring. I just felt bad about neglecting the blog (like I need something else to tend). Grumble, grumble. And I thought it might get me back in the groove if I just mutter aimlessly here and hope to have something real to say next time. So do any of you kids know why ALL of the keys are sticking on the keyboard. It couldn't have anything to do with all the racket down here one of the nights that Joe visited, could it????

Good news! Just when I feared that we would run out of weddings (there have been about 5 or 6 in the past year that Joe and Rachel came back to attend--one more scheduled in September), I find out that Tony Vaccaro is getting married in November!!! If we can just keep this up, we'll be seeing Joe and Rachel more than if they lived here. :)) Me happy.

Someone tell me how to sign this, please.
