We are having veggie burgers at the house tonight. I found some really good ENORMOUS 1/4 pound veggie burgers, not the usual little cardboard disks. We also have fresh avocado, lettuce, pickles, alfalfa sprouts, ketchup and mustard to put on them. A couple of our friends are coming over, we usually try to have people over at least a couple nights a week if we can...I think if it were up to us we'd have everybody just live at our house but apparently some people need a little more space.
Veggie Burgers
My summer in Seattle is sort of winding down to an end. I am working on the Roman Forum presentation I have to give on my third day of my Rome trip. Also, practicing with my new camera, a lot. I take it EVERYWHERE with me. I have had it for a little less than a month and have already taken over 1200 images! Not all of them stick around though, most get deleted, but to get those few good images you really have to take a lot of photos!! It makes me really thankful for the advantages of digital photography. On my budget, I don't think I could afford all the film I would have gone through and practicing would be much less convenient.
Here is a cool image I took at Lena's 4th birthday party on Sunday(Happy birthday Lena!!). She had a local Seattle celebrity come to the party, the Bubbleman. He does a pretty cool show, makes the kids smile and relays his very liberal political messages to the adults, whether they like it or not! Of these messages, one is repeated, "CHEAP TOYS!" Most of the props in his act he found at thrift stores or recycled other discarded items. The reason I like this photo so much is because of the amazing echo of the profile of his cap, face and beard in the outline of the bubble he is creating....very cool.
Seattle puts me under her spell once again...
This city is definitely taking me for a ride. Summer comes every year just when I've had it up to here with grey skies and drizzle, this year it lasted through much of June. Then the sky clears, the forecast reads 75 and sunny as far as the weatherman can predict and the sun sets at ten o' clock every night, giving me a little extra time outside to enjoy it all. I fall in love all over again. Just look at this killer sunset I snapped just five minutes from my house down on Alki beach! Sometimes I feel like I live in a postcard....

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